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Love is a scam

Every day we see a picture of what we are made to believe is love through the internet, movies and even music videos. Movies have made us to believe that two people actually go crazy for each other. There are so many romantic books out there that says all things about love, and make you wounder if truly such a feeling exist. The worst of it is the media throwing at our faces pictures of pre wedding and wedding of couples everyday, which is all just a show off. 

Now l am talking about the romantic aspect of love, where two people are believe to have strong affection for each other and want to be together. We are made to believe that once a guy see a lady for the first time some kind of magic happens and he suddenly wants to be with her, the same goes for the lady. Here is the thing I don't believe in that shit, there is no supernatural power at work here. This is what happens, a guy meets a girl for the first time he sees something he likes, probarbly from the front or from the back. After seeing something he fancies, he pictures the entire thing  uncovered if he likes what he sees he then makes his move and feeds you the story  of love at first sight. For the lady it's very simple when a girl meets a guy for the first time she is either seeing a potential suitor or a guy who can spend on her, it all depends on the lady's age. 

So my dear sisters and brothers owe should stop fooling around pretending like we don't know what's up. We all know the game so let's play it well. For the sisters stop wasting your time watching telemondo like things like that ever happens in the real world, for the guys there are only two things we need you for, money or marriage. 


  1. I have been trying to write something like that for sometime. now that I have a lady point of view, I got wat I need....#winks


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