The rate at which nudity has become rampant in our movies is becoming alarming. Back then growing up as a kid I comfortably watch a movie with my parents and gain positively from it, but our present generation has gone out of hand. The kind of movies that you see ever day on tv and in the market is nothing to write home about, one can't even differentiate a blue fillm from an ordinary one. I feel so sorry for our movie industries, cause we have lost our ways, we have gone from sharing our culture to the rest of the world to selling sex in movies. It is so bad that I have to preview a movie first before sharing it with my family members.
Some girls don't have a problem being a side chick, while some don't even know they are one. How do you know if you are his side chick? Check out these six signs below. 1: You've never been to his place If he's always giving you excuses as to why you cannot come to his place then there is a problem. He is either married or living with his girlfriend, otherwise he's got no reason to stop you from coming over. 2: You never spend the night together He will tell you he has to be up early for work, or he's got somewhere important to be, these are all lies. He's probably going home to his wife or to another side chick. No guy would stay and cuddle a girl that means nothing to him. 3: You never get to meet his friends You might be thinking he's got no friends, probably that's why you haven't met any yet, trust me he's got lots of them, you're just not worth meeting them. 4: He never answers his phone in front of you If he us always...
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