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five things that couples do together apart from sex

Most times people wonder what two people who are dating each other do apart from having sex together. As much as sex is an important factor in a relationship, it is not enough to keep a relationship going. If you have been wondering what other things you can do together with your partner, these are just five of them.

1. Support each other
Your partner should be your number source of strength and support, the one person you run to in good times and bad times.

2. Have fun together
A relationship should not be too serious, you should be able to play together, party together, open up your self and just have fun.

3. Fight together
A relationship without fights is usually filled with pretense and secrets. It is good to have healthy fights once in a while, it should that you are both communicating, which is important in a relationship.

4. Talk about your day
It feels good to have someone to share our daily adventures with. Having someone just listen to you talk about how frustrating your day was, just takes away all the stress.

5. Go on fun dates together
It could be a trip, a dinner, or maybe just a walk at night. It doesn't matter how little it is, what is important is that you are sharing that moment with the one you love.



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