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Five reasons why women are jealous of themselves

1: Beauty
Women feel threatened when they see another women who they feel is prettier than they are. Women are never satisfied with the way they look, they always want to look better than the girl next to us. We get jealous when we see a beautiful lady.

2: Intelligence
Intelligent people always draw attention to themselves even without asking for it. Women get jealous of other women intelligence because of the attention it brings to them.

3: Confidence
There is just something sexy about a confident lady, the attention she commands is enough to make her fellow women jealous of her.

4: Dress sense
Looking good is a serious business for we ladies. A women would go out of her wey just to look better than the woman next to her, the cloths are never enough for her.

5: Body weight
Women are never satisfied with the way their body looks. This is the major cause of jealousy among women. A woman can go as far as starving just to have the figure of another lady.


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